Christopher Hitchens Quotes

A collection of quotes by Christopher Hitchens.

Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) was a highly influential British-American author, journalist, and public intellectual. Known for his sharp wit, fearless criticism, and contrarian views, Hitchens greatly contributed to political and cultural discussions throughout his career.

Born in Portsmouth, England, Hitchens attended the prestigious Balliol College, Oxford, where he became involved in left-wing politics and developed his writing skills. In the late 1970s, he moved to the United States and began working as a correspondent for various publications, including The Nation and Vanity Fair. He established himself as an incisive and bold writer, tackling a wide range of topics such as religion, literature, history, and foreign policy.

Hitchens gained notoriety for his outspoken atheism and criticism of organized religion, particularly in his book "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything." He was a fervent advocate for secularism, freedom of expression, and human rights. Hitchens also strongly opposed totalitarian regimes and was an ardent supporter of the Iraq War, a stance that was met with both admiration and criticism.

Throughout his career, Hitchens authored numerous books, including "Letters to a Young Contrarian" and "Hitch-22: A Memoir." He was a regular contributor to various media outlets and engaged in lively debates and discussions on television and in public forums.

Christopher Hitchens passed away in 2011, leaving behind a profound intellectual legacy and a reputation as one of the most influential and controversial thinkers of his time.

One also, in our milieu, simply didn't meet enough Americans to form an opinion. And when one did this was in the days of crew-cuts and short-legged pants they, too, often really did sport crew-cuts and trousers that mysteriously ended several inches short of the instep. Why was that? It obviously wasn't poverty. A colleague of my father's had a daughter who got herself married and found that an American friend she had met on holiday had offered to pay the whole cost of the nuptial feast. I forget the name of this paladin, but he had a crew-cut and amputated trouser-bottoms and a cigar stub and he came from a place called Yonkers, which seemed to me a ridiculous name to give to a suburb. (I, who had survived Crapstone ) Anyway, once again one received a Henry Jamesian impression of brash generosity without overmuch refinement. There was a boy at my boarding school called Warren Powers Laird Myers, the son of an officer stationed at one of the many U.S. Air Force bases in Cambridgeshire. Trousers at The Leys School were uniform and regulation, but he still managed to show a bit of shin and to buzz-cut his hair. 'I am not a Yankee,' he informed me (he was from Norfolk, Virginia). 'I am a CON-federate.' From what I was then gleaning of the news from Dixie, this was unpromising. In our ranks we also had Jamie Auchincloss, a sprig of the Kennedy-Bouvier family that was then occupying the White House. His trousers managed to avoid covering his ankles also, though the fact that he shared a parent with Jackie Kennedy meant that anything he did was accepted as fashionable by definition. The pants of a man I'll call Mr. 'Miller,' a visiting American master who skillfully introduced me to J.D. Salinger, were also falling short of their mark. Mr. Miller's great teacher-feature was that he saw sexual imagery absolutely everywhere and was slightly too fond of pointing it out [...]. Meanwhile, and as I mentioned much earlier, the dominant images projected from the United States were of the attack-dog-and-firehose kind, with swa

Christopher Hitchens

I regard anti-Semitism as ineradicable and as one element of the toxin with which religion has infected us. Perhaps partly for this reason, I have never been able to see Zionism as a cure for it. American and British and French Jews have told me with perfect sincerity that they are always prepared for the day when 'it happens again' and the Jew-baiters take over. (And I don't pretend not to know what they are talking about: I have actually seen the rabid phenomenon at work in modern and sunny Argentina and am unable to forget it.) So then, they seem to think, they will take refuge in the Law of Return, and in Haifa, or for all I know in Hebron. Never mind for now that if all of world Jewry settle in Palestine, this would actually necessitate further Israeli expansion, expulsion, and colonization, and that their departure under these apocalyptic conditions would leave the new brownshirts and blackshirts in possession of the French and British and American nuclear arsenals. This is ghetto thinking, hardly even fractionally updated to take into account what has changed. The important but delayed realization will have to come: Israeli Jews are the diaspora, not a group that has escaped from it. Why else does Israel daily beseech the often-flourishing Jews of other lands, urging them to help the most endangered Jews of all: the ones who rule Palestine by force of arms? Why else, having supposedly escaped from the need to rely on Gentile goodwill, has Israel come to depend more and more upon it? On this reckoning, Zionism must constitute one of the greatest potential non sequiturs in human history.

Christopher Hitchens