A collection of quotes by James Dye.
I quit watching the debates after they excluded Ron Paul and censored supposedly live interviews with him from the tv.
James Dye
What has been is what it seems will be unless we can break our conditioning by realizing our conditioning. That's the only way we can break free from the cycle of history.
I could've told you this was gonna happen 8 years ago because it is on purpose.
So many people die young. I'm hoping that's unintended.
Gold is what people worship if they don't go with the invisible God.
Members of Congress were told they could face martial law if they didn't pass the bailout bill. This will not be the last time.
We're sleeping and there's a bunch of creepy old dudes molesting us.
You need to find The Lord. He's around here somewhere.
The term bail-out is deceptive. They have people come up with euphenisms to hide reality
If u have money buy gold. It is going to double in value.
One guy wants to help the rich the other the poor neither one works since raising taxes causes instability. They should do neither and eliminate everything from the budget until we're making more then we're spending. It's not rocket science.
This is pretty strange, not poems, poems are pretty good.
Revolutions are the only way we can evolve coincidentally. Otherwise we'll be held back while the people we need to revolt against do.
We are indeeed being led to a pit, as it was written
It's like a play we're watching
Sometimes we are scared of our own shadow, and our imaginations get the best of us.
Satan isn't anything to believe in but there are people running things whose God is Lucifer. Check out the Lucifierian Doctrine which Albert Pike wrote. He said it is given to 29th-33rd rank Masons in his book Morals and Dogma.
All the heroes, the fire fighters and police men are dying. Don't forget them, many are still alive.
We are all living inside a box and we get our information from a box. The box is not real, but we are.
We need to stop this New World Order ideology now. First, by being educated and informed about it.