Thomas Merton Quotes

A collection of quotes by Thomas Merton.

Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, and mystic. Born in France, Merton moved to the United States as a young boy and later converted to Catholicism. He entered the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky in 1941, taking vows as a Trappist monk.

Known for his spiritual writings, Merton explored various topics including contemplative prayer, social justice, interfaith dialogue, and the connection between spirituality and art. His works include "The Seven Storey Mountain," an autobiography that recounts his journey to faith, and "New Seeds of Contemplation," a book that delves into the nature of spiritual awakening.

Merton also played a significant role in fostering dialogue and understanding among different religious traditions, particularly between Christianity and Buddhism. He corresponded with notable figures like the Dalai Lama, exploring the shared spiritual values between the two traditions.

Throughout his life, Merton's writings and teachings emphasized the importance of solitude and silence as pathways to a deeper understanding of oneself and the divine. He advocated for nonviolence and social justice, becoming a prominent voice during the Civil Rights Movement and speaking out against war, particularly the Vietnam War.

Tragically, on December 10, 1968, Merton passed away at the age of 53 during a trip to Thailand. Despite his untimely death, Thomas Merton's profound insights into spirituality, compassion, and the human experience continue to inspire countless individuals worldwide.