Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Art.
The stone unhewn and cold Becomes a living mould, The more the marble wastes The more the statue grows.
Michelangelo Buonarroti
I sometimes wonder if the hand is not more sensitive to the beauties of sculpture than the eye. I should think the wonderful rhythmical flow of lines and curves could be more subtly felt than seen. Be this as it may, I know that I can feel the heart-throbs of the ancient Greeks in their marble gods and goddesses.
Helen Keller, The Story of My Li
I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information.
David Ogilvy
Art, that great undogmatized church.
Ellen Key
The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.
Anatole France
Because most people are not sufficiently employed in themselves, they run about loose, hungering for employment, and satisfy themselves in various supererogatory occupations. The easiest of these occupations, which have all to do with making things already made, is the making of people: it is called the art of friendship.
Laura Riding
Art seduces, but does not exploit.
Mason Cooley
It is the glory and good of Art, That Art remains the one way possible Of speaking truth, to mouths like mine at least.
Robert Browning
Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, and of lending existence to nothing.
Edmund Burke
Ethics is in origin the art of recommending to others the sacrifices required for cooperation with oneself.
Bertrand Russell
Emotion resulting from a work of art is only of value when it is not obtained by sentimental blackmail.
Jean Cocteau
It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.
W. H. Auden
Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun.
Pablo Picasso
After a few months in my parents' basement, I took an apartment near the state university, where I discovered both crystal methamphetamine and conceptual art. Either one of these things are dangerous, but in combination they have the potential to destroy entire civilizations.
David Sedaris
Art is parasitic on life, just as criticism is parasitic on art.
Harry S. Truman
Fashion is only the attempt to realize art in living forms and social intercourse.
Francis Bacon
Aesthetic emotion puts man in a state favorable to the reception of erotic emotion. Art is the accomplice of love. Take love away and there is no longer art.
Remy de Gourmont
Any authentic work of art must start an argument between the artist and his audience.
Rebecca West
Pictures must not be too picturesque.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure.
Dale Carnegie