Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Character.
Let us not say, every man is the architect of his own fortune; but let us say, every man is the architect of his own character.
George D. Boardman
Therefore only an utterly senseless person can fail to know that our characters are the result of our conduct.
To judge a man's character by only one of its manifestations is like judging the sea by a jugful of its water.
Paul Eldridge
When a man thinks he is reading the character of another, he is often unconsciously betraying his own.
Joseph Farrell
A talent is formed in stillness, a character in the world's torrent.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Character, not circumstances, makes the man.
Booker T. Washington
Character is power.
Temperance is a tree which as for its root very little contentment, and for its fruit calm and peace.
Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.
Sri Swami Sivananda
Weakness of character is the only defect which cannot be amended.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
Character is the foundation stone upon which one must build to win respect. Just as no worthy building can be erected on a weak foundation, so no lasting reputation worthy of respect can be built on a weak character.
R. C. Samsel
There is no greater index of character so sure as the voice.
Benjamin Disraeli
A fi bun inseamna a fi in armonie cu tine insuti. Disonanta inseamna a fi in armonie cu altii
Oscar Wilde
Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion.
O light! This is the cry of all the characters of ancient drama brought face to face with their fate. This last resort was ours, too, and I knew it now. In the middle of winter I at last discovered that there was in me an invincible summer.
Albert Camus
Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no other can do.
William Ellery Channing
If, then, one should try to sum up the character of women's fiction at the present moment, one would say that it is courageous; it is sincere; it keeps closely to what women feel. It is not bitter. It does not insist upon its femininity.
Virginia Woolf
It is fortunate to be of high birth, but it is no less so to be of such character that people do not care to know whether you are or are not.
Jean de la Bruyere
The Egyptian contribution to architecture was more concerned with remembering the dead than the living.
Stephen Gardiner