Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Color.
Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.
Oscar Wilde
While walking in a toy store The day before today,I overheard a Crayon BoxWith many things to say.I don't like red! said Yellow.And Green said, Nor do I!And no one here likes Orange,But no one knows quite why.We are a box of crayonsthat really doesn't get along,Said Blue to all the others.Something here is wrong!Well, i bought that box of crayonsAnd took it home with meAnd laid out all the crayonsSo the crayons could all seeThey watched me as I coloredWith Red and Blue and GreenAnd Black and White and OrangeAnd every color in betweenThey watched as Green became the grassAnd Blue became the sky.The Yellow sun was shining brightOn White clouds drifting by.Colors changing as they touched,Becoming something new.They watched me as I colored.They watched till I was through.And when I'd finally finished,I began to walk away.And as I did the Crayon boxHad something more to say...I do like Red! said the YellowAnd Green said, So do I!And Blue you are terrific!So high up in the sky.We are a Box of CrayonsEach of us unique,But when we get togetherThe picture is complete.
Anon., Box Of Crayons (Original
Green how I want you green. Green wind. Green branches.
Federico Garcia Lorca
Colors are the smiles of nature.
Leigh Hunt
Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
Pablo Picasso
Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? no. Just as one can never learn how to paint.
...A long struggle lies in store for me in this field of color.
Paul Klee
Color has taken possession of me; no longer do I have to chase after it. I know that it has hold of me forever... Color and I are one. I am a painter.
Preoccupation with money is the great test of small natures, but only a small test of great ones.
Nicolas Chamfort
Ditch your white panties for yellow ones. Sounds crazy, but color theorists say your body absorbs the vibration of colors, which, in turn, affects your brain and can actually alter your mood. Yellow connects us.Number 1 among 15 recommendations to achieve
Anon., "Fitness magazine"
It is the color closest to light. In its utmost purity it always implies the nature of brightness and has a cheerful, serene, gently stimulating character. Hence, experience teaches us that yellow makes a thoroughly warm and comforting impression. With yellow the eye rejoices, the heart expands, the spirit is cheered and we immediately feel warmed. Many people feel an inclination to laugh when looking through a yellow glass.
Johann von Goethe, Theory of Col
I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colors. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns.
Sir Winston Churchill
Colors answer feeling in man; shapes answer thought; and motion answers will.
John Sterling
He had that curious love of green, which in individuals is always the sign of a subtle artistic temperament, and in nations is said to denote a laxity, if not a decadence of morals.
Shut your eyes, wait, think of nothing. Now, open them ... one sees nothing but a great coloured undulation. What then? An irradiation and glory of colour. This is what a picture should give us ... an abyss in which the eye is lost, a secret germination, a coloured state of grace ... loose conciousness. Descend with the painter into the dim tangled roots of things, and rise again from them in colours, be steeped in the light of them.
Paul Cezanne
In our lives there is a simple colour, as on an artists palatte, which provides the meaning of life and art. it is the colour of love.
Marc Chagall, "Newsweek", April
All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites.
Marc Chagall
There is no blue without yellow and without orange.
Vincent Van Gogh
The true color of life is the color of the body, the color of the covered red, the implicit and not explicit red of the living heart and the pulses. It is the modest color of the unpublished blood.
Alice Meynell