Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Death.
Forget it. Never explain; never apologize. You can either write posthumously or you can't.
Christopher Hitchens
So many people die young. I'm hoping that's unintended.
James Dye
There are few things more difficult than to appraise the work of a man suddenly dead in his youth; to disentangle promise from achievement; to save him from that sentimentalizing which confuses the tragedy of the interruption with the merit of the work actually performed.
Ezra Pound
Loved. You can't use it in the past tense. Death does not stop that love at all.
Ken Kesey
I love this pedal to death. The only way you could keep me from playing one is by chopping off my legs!
Kirk Hammett
Good God! how often are we to die before we go quite off this stage? In every friend we lose a part of ourselves, and the best part.
Alexander Pope
Knowing how to die is knowing how to live. What is death anyway? It's the outcome of life.
Jeanne Moreau
Because there is nothing here than invites us to cherish unhappy lovers. Nothing is more vain than to die for love. What we ought to do is live.
Albert Camus
Man is born in a day, and he dies in a day, and the thing is easily over but to have a sick heart for three-fourths of one's lifetime is simply to have death renewed every morning and life at that price is not worth living.
Gilbert Parker
I carry the seeds of death within me and plant them wherever I linger long enough to love.
Orson Scott Card
We know the road to freedom has always been stalked by death.
Angela Davis
It ought to be an offense to be excruciating and unfunny in circumstances where your audience is almost morally obliged to enthuse.
Can any man be courageous who has the fear of death in him?
Would it hurt to die?
J.K. Rowling
Death is not the biggest fear we have our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive - the risk to be alive and express what we really are.
Miguel Angel Ruiz
The ideal death, I think, is what was the ideal Victorian death, you know, with your grandchildren around you, a bit of sobbing. And you say goodbye to your loved ones, making certain that one of them has been left behind to look after the shop.
Terry Pratchett
It is impossible to experience one's death objectively and still carry a tune.
Woody Allen
Every November of my boyhood, we put on red poppies and attended highly patriotic services in remembrance of those who had 'given' their lives. But on what assurance did we know that these gifts had really been made? Only the survivors the living could attest to it. In order to know that a person had truly laid down his life for his friends, or comrades, one would have to hear it from his own lips, or at least have heard it promised in advance. And that presented another difficulty. Many brave and now dead soldiers had nonetheless been conscripts. The known martyrs those who actually, voluntarily sought death and rejoiced in the fact had been the kamikaze pilots, immolating themselves to propitiate a 'divine' emperor who looked (as Orwell once phrased it) like a monkey on a stick. Their Christian predecessors had endured torture and death (as well as inflicted it) in order to set up a theocracy. Their modern equivalents would be the suicide murderers, who mostly have the same aim in mind. About people who set out to lose their lives, then, there seems to hang an air of fanaticism: a gigantic sense of self-importance unattractively fused with a masochistic tendency to self-abnegation. Not wholesome.The better and more realistic test would therefore seem to be: In what cause, or on what principle, would you your life?
Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. But I'd like to add a third certainty: trash. And while some in this room might want to discuss reducing taxes, I want to talk about reducing trash.
Ruth Ann Minner
Become an internationalist and learn to respect all life. Make war on machines. And in particular the sterile machines of corporate death and the robots that guard them.
Abbie Hoffman