Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Death.
Death -- the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening.
Sir Walter Scott
This dust was once the man, Gentle, plain, just and resolute, under whose cautious hand,Against the foulest crime in history known in any land or age,Was saved the Union of these States.
Walt Whitman, Memories of Presid
But I will be a bridegroom in my death, and run into a lover's bed.
William Shakespeare
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.
I care not, a man can die but once; we owe God and death.
The undiscovered country form whose born no traveler returns. Hamlet
All that live must die, passing through nature to eternity.
After life's fitful fever he sleeps well. Treason has done his worst. Nor steel nor poison, malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing can touch him further.
The weariest and most loathed worldly life, that age, ache, penury and imprisonment can lay on nature is a paradise, to what we fear of death.
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, which we ascribe to heaven.
The essential part of our being can only survive if the transient part dissolves. Death is a condition of survival. That which has been gained must be eternalized, and can only be eternalized by being transmuted, by passing through death they must return
Pir Vilayat Khan
To you who have never died, may I say: Welcome to the world!
Clive Barker
I really wanted to die at certain periods in my life. Death was like love, a romantic escape. I took pills because I didn't want to throw myself off my balcony and know people would photograph me lying dead below.
Brigitte Bardot
While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.
Leonardo DaVinci
A lion is much more dreadful to him that never saw him, than he is to his keeper who feedeth him every day. A pitched battle is more frightful and scaring to a new-listed soldier, that never took his place in the field before, nor saw the dreadful countenance of an army ready to engage, nor heard the thundering noise of cannon, and volleys of shot, the shouts of armies, and groans of dying men on every side, than it is to an old soldier who has been used to such things. The like we may observe in seamen, who it may be trembled at first, and now can sing in a storm.Scarce any thing is more necessary for weak and timorous believers to meditate on, than the time of their separation. Our hearts will be apt to start and boggle at the first view of death; but it is good to do by them as men use to do by young colts; ride them up to that which they fright at, and make them smell to it, which is the way to cure them. Look, as bread, says one, is more necessary than other food, so the meditation of death is more necessary than many other meditations. Every time we change our habitations, we should realise therein our great change: our souls must shortly leave this, and be lodged for a longer season in another mansion. When we put off our clothes at night, we have a fit occasion to consider, that we must strip nearer one of these days, and put off, not our clothes only, but the body that wears them too.
John Flavel, A Treatise of the S
I'm trying to die correctly, but it's very difficult, you know.
Lawrence Durrell
A being afire with life cannot foresee death; in fact, by each of his deeds he denies that death exists.
Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of
To die is landing on some distant shore.
John Dryden
Like pilgrims to the appointed place we tend; The world's an inn, and death the journey's end.
He was exhaled; his great Creator drew His spirit, as the sun the morning dew.