Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Government.
The Bible must be considered as the great source of all the truth by which men are to be guided in government as well as in all social transactions.
Noah Webster
We need transparency in government spending. We need to put each government expenditure online so every Floridian can see where their tax money is being spent.
Marco Rubio
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
Gerald R. Ford
Anyone who saw Nagasaki would suddenly realize that they'd been kept in the dark by the United States government as to what atomic bombs can do.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
Will Rogers
When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.
Ron Paul
If you make any money, the government shoves you in the creek once a year with it in your pockets, and all that don't get wet you can keep.
Good government is the outcome of private virtue.
John Jay Chapman
Writing laws is easy, but governing is difficult.
Leo Tolstoy
Negro equality! Fudge!! How long, in the government of a God, great enough to make and maintain this Universe, shall there continue to be knaves to vend, and fools to gulp, so low a piece of demagougeism as this?
Abraham Lincoln
For Forms of Government let fools contest; whatever is best administered is best.
Alexander Pope
So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.
Milton Friedman
Ohio claims they are due a president as they haven't had one since Taft. Look at the United States, they have not had one since Lincoln.
My father always said that government is like watching another man piss in your boot. Someone feels better but it certainly isn't you.
Orson Scott Card
Say what you like about my bloody murderous government,' I says, 'but don't insult me poor bleedin' country.
Edward Abbey
You can have a revolution wherever you like, except in a government office even were the world to come to an end, you'd have to destroy the universe first and then government offices.
Karel Capek
The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government.
George Washington
Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.
Thomas Jefferson
There are many people who feel that it is useless and futile to continue talking about peace and non-violence against a government whose only reply is savage attacks on an unarmed and defenceless people.
Nelson Mandela
The government of Israel doesn't like the kinds of things I say, which puts them into the same category as every other government in the world.
Noam Chomsky