Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Government.
The mistakes made by Congress wouldn't be so bad if the next Congress didn't keep trying to correct them.
Cullen Hightower
The most cogent reason for restricting the interference of government is the great evil of adding unnecessarily to its power.
John Stuart Mill
We need religion as a guide. We need it because we are imperfect. Our government needs the church, because only those humble enough to admit they are sinners can bring to democracy the tolerance it requires in order to survive.
Jeff Miller
A tiny and closed fraternity of privileged men, elected by no one, and enjoying a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by government.
Spiro T. Agnew
Well, I thought the deal was, when you went to work for the government you weren't supposed to make money!
Joe Biden
If the jury have no right to judge of the justice of a law of the government, they plainly can do nothing to protect the people against the oppressions of the government for there are no oppressions which the government may not authorize by law.
Lysander Spooner
Journalists should denounce government by public opinion polls.
Dan Rather
I am the government.
Andrew Cuomo
If the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government.
Tommy Franks
The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.
John Quincy Adams
The lies the government and media tell are amplifications of the lies we tell ourselves. To stop being conned, stop conning yourself.
James Wolcott
Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
Fr, Essays on Political Economy
The divine right of kings may have been a plea for feeble tyrants, but the divine right of government is the keystone of human progress, and without it governments sink into police, and a nation is degraded into a mob.
Benjamin Disraeli, LothairGenera
Does the owner of the restaurant own his restaurant? Or does the government own his restaurant?
Rand Paul
The chief duty of government is to keep the peace and stand out of the sunshine of the people.
James A. Garfield
Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of man will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint.
Alexander Hamilton
I honestly do not know if civil disobedience has any effect on the government. I can promise you it has a great effect on the person who chooses to do it.
Martin Sheen
No government can help the destinies of people who insist in putting sectional and class consciousness ahead of general weal.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.
All government, of course, is against liberty.
H. L. Mencken