Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with History.
I love history. I love art. I like to mix it all together, but in the end it somehow has to all make sense.
Anna Sui
Robots have a rich and storied history in movies.
John Podhoretz
Indeed, scientific truth by consensus has had a uniformly bad history.
David Douglass
History is replete with examples of what happens when any group of authorities do not have to answer to empirical evidence but are free to define truth as they see fit. None of the examples has a happy ending. Why should it be otherwise with therapy?
Robert Todd Carroll
History is, in its essentials, the science of change. It knows and it teaches that it is impossible to find two events that are ever exactly alike, because the conditions from which they spring are never identical.
Marc Bloch
The odds are always against you no matter what your previous history is. You have to overcome the tendency to relax.
Tom Osborne
History proves abundantly that pure science, undertaken without regard to applications to human needs, is usually ultimately of direct benefit to mankind.
Irving Langmuir
The power of good is shown not by triumphantly conquering evil, but by continuing to resist evil while facing certain defeat.
Edith Hamilton
It's very attractive to people to be a victim. Instead of having to think out the whole situation, about history and your group and what you are doing... if you begin from the point of view of being a victim, you've got it half-made. I mean intellectually.
V. S. Naipaul
The war which is comingIs not the first one. There wereOther wars before it.When the last one came to an endThere were conquerors and conquered.Among the conquered the common peopleStarved. Among the conquerorsThe common people starved too.
Bertolt Brecht
It was one of history's great love stories, the mutually profitable romance which Hollywood and bohunk America conducted almost in the dark, a tapping of fervent messages through the wall of the San Gabriel Range.
John Updike
I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much more than that. So are we all.
James A. Baldwin
History doesn't repeat itself - at best it sometimes rhymes
Mark Twain
He was the same as everyone else: he carried his past inside him. There was no escape from it. No matter how hard you push it down, the truth always comes to the surface.
Louise Douglas
Human history is a Gaian dream.
Terence McKenna
The Bible is a book of Science. Secular Humanism is a religion of mythology.
Michael J. Findley
Human history is in truth nothing but the history of the slow, uncertain, and surprising fulfillment of the Promise.
Gustavo Gutierrez
In the end I believe the essential spirit that animates those places animates me. If that spirit is God, then I found God...If that spirit is life, then I found life...If that spirit is awe, then I found awe. Part of me suspects it's all three...all I had to do to discover that spirit and the resulting feeling of humility and appreciation was not to look or listen or taste or feel. All I had to do was remember, for what I was looking for I somehow already knew.
Bruce Feiler
If history is written by the victorious, what if the victors lied?
Michael Duncan
I have studied him (Muhammad PBUH) - the wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness.
George Bernard Shaw