Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Human.
Human beings can withstand a week without water, two weeks without food, many years of homelessness, but not loneliness. It is the worst of all tortures, the worst of all sufferings.
Paulo Coelho
In the moonlight which is always sad, as the light of the sun itself is--as the light called human life is--at its coming and its going.
Charles Dickens
Humans were so stupid. They had something so precious, and they barely safeguarded it at all. They threw away their lives for money, for packets of powder, for a stranger's charming smile.
Cassandra Clare
fanaticism is the only way to put an end to the doubts that constantly trouble the human soul.
Some one dear to one can be loved with human love; but an enemy can only be loved with divine love.
Leo Tolstoy
The time would not pass. Somebody was playing with the clocks, and not only the electronic clocks but the wind-up kind too. The second hand on my watch would twitch once, and a year would pass, and then it would twitch again.There was nothing I could do about it. As an Earthling I had to believe whatever clocks said -and calendars.
Kurt Vonnegut
As for myself: I had come to the conclusion that there was nothing sacred about myself or any human being, that we were all machines, doomed to collide and collide and collide. For want of anything better to do, we became fans of collisions. Sometimes I wrote well about collisions, which meant I was a writing machine in good repair. Sometimes I wrote badly, which meant I was a writing machine in bad repair. I no more harbored sacredness than did a Pontiac, a mousetrap, or a South Bend Lathe.
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
...every human being is doomed to die, which is the greatest of all failures.
George Orwell
The more I understand the mind and the human experience, the more I begin to suspect there is no such thing as unhappiness; there is only ungratefulness.
Steve Maraboli
People took such awful chances with chemicals and their bodies because they wanted the quality of their lives to improve. They lived in ugly places where there were only ugly things to do. They didn't own doodley-squat, so they couldn't improve their surroundings. so they did their best to make their insides beautiful instead.
Homo homini monstrum
Victor Hugo
Remain faithful to the earth, my brothers, with the power of your virtue. Let your gift-giving love and your knowledge serve the meaning of the earth. Thus I beg and beseech you. Do not let them fly away from earthly things and beat with their wings against eternal walls. Alas, there has always been so much virtue that has flown away. Lead back to the earth the virtue that flew away, as I do back to the body, back to life, that it may give the earth a meaning, a human meaning.
Friedrich Nietzsche
It's embarrassing to be human.
To hurt is as human as to breathe.
J.K. Rowling
But human beings are like that, she thought. We've replaced nearly all our emotions with fear.