Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Men & Women.
I must have women -- there is nothing unbends the mind like them.
John Gay
O Polly, you might have toyed and kissed, by keeping men off, you keep them on.
On the day when it will be possible for woman to love not in her weakness but in strength, not to escape herself but to find herself, not to abase herself but to assert herself -- on that day love will become for her, as for man, a source of life...
Simone de Beauvoir
Let women be provided with living strength of their own. Let them have the means to attack the world and wrest from it their own subsistence, and their dependence will be abolished -- that of man also.
There are three things men can do with women: love them, suffer for them, or turn them into literature.
Stephen Stills
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
Lana Turner
We hear much of chivalry of men towards women; but ... it vanishes like dew before the summer sun when one of us comes into competition with the manly sex. Let a woman sit, weep, wring her hands, and exult in her own helplessness, and the modern knight buckles on his imaginary breastplate and draws his sword in her behalf; but when the woman girds up her loins for the battle of life, ready to fight like a lioness, if need be, to put food in the mouths of her children, let her select for her field the living-room or the cooking range.
Martha J. Coston, Signal Success
Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.
Oscar Wilde
Whether women are better than men I cannot say, but I can say they are certainly no worse.
Golda Meir
Coming to terms with the rhythms of women's lives means coming to terms with life itself, accepting the imperatives of the body rather than the imperatives of an artificial, man-made, perhaps transcendentally beautiful civilization. Emphasis on the male work-rhythm is an emphasis on infinite possibilities; emphasis on the female rhythms is an emphasis on a defined pattern, on limitation.
Margaret Mead
Women serve but to keep a man from better company.
William Wycherley
When a flirt fishes for a man, she fishes merely for the sport.
Source Unknown
The amount of women in London who flirt with their own husbands is perfectly scandalous. It looks so bad. It is simply washing one's clean linen in public.
I love the idea of there being two sexes, don't you?
James Thurber
When men and woman die, as poets sung, his heart's the last part moves, her last, the tongue.
Benjamin Franklin
He is half of a blessed man. Left to be finished by such as she; and she a fair divided excellence, whose fullness of perfection lies in him.
William Shakespeare
Men know that women are an over-match for them, and therefore they choose the weakest or most ignorant. If they did not think so, they never could be afraid of women knowing as much as themselves.
Samuel Johnson
She learned to say things with her eyes that others waste time putting into words
Corey Ford
The female of the genus homo is economically dependent on the male. He is her food supply.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Man loves little and often. Woman much and rarely.