Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Motivational.
The Egyptian contribution to architecture was more concerned with remembering the dead than the living.
Stephen Gardiner
Tomorrow will never call to ask your opinion; you don't control it. Stop allowing today's possibilities to be robbed by tomorrow's insecurities.
Steve Maraboli
The purpose of fear is to raise your awareness not to stop your progress.
A wife encourages her husband's egoism in order to encourage her own.
Russell Green
You are where you are right now because of the actions you've taken, or maybe, the inaction you've taken.
If you've got a talent, protect it.
Jim Carrey
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Mark Twain
The greatest love stories are not those in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon.
Look around you. Everything changes. Everything on this earth is in a continuous state of evolving, refining, improving, adapting, enhancingchanging. You were not put on this earth to remain stagnant.
How would your life be different ifYou stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? Let today be the dayYou stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others
Just like your body and lifestyle can be healthy or unhealthy, the same is true with your beliefs. Your beliefs can be your medicine or your poison.
Have faith in the universe and its capability to lead you to the path of abundance.
Stephen Richards
Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.
Gordon B. Hinckley
A message prepared in the mind reaches a mind; a message prepared in a life reaches a life.
Bill Gothard
The purpose of empowerment is to urge you towards freedom, to help each of you to break free of all limitations. It is that freedom that will give you eternal happiness and finally connect you with the unconditional realization of TRUTH.
Through my choices and actions, I have learned the most effective way of speaking to God is without saying a word.
For us to regard others as worthy, we have to begin by regarding ourselves as worthy.
Jedi are conversationalists and negotiators, bringing people together and solving problems. Jedi listen and feel to what others are saying.
I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.