Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Movies.
I think filmmakers want their movies to be seen.
Alex Winter
Dance, vaudeville, drama, movies - as a child I loved everything that went on in a theater.
James Broughton
Skinniness is not your friend when you're over 40. I'd like to gain a good 10 pounds, but I did always have a fat, round face that plagued me when I was young. When I started to make movies, I couldn't look at myself.
Ellen Barkin
I want my movies to be audience experiences. As much as I like Michael Haneke, I'm not going to make a Haneke film. That's just not in my DNA.
Jason Reitman
You see so many earnest characters in movies all the time, everyone has a purpose.
Joaquin Phoenix
I don't want to criticize any other designers, but I have to say that many of the people involved in this industry - directors and producers - are trying to make their games more like movies. They are longing to make movies rather than making videogames.
Shigeru Miyamoto
There's an electrical thing about movies.
Oliver Stone
I like to think the movies that I've picked have something worthwhile to say. Something relevant.
Mark Ruffalo
The only reason anyone goes to Broadway is because they can't get work in the movies.
Bette Davis
I'm a filmmaker and I'm proud of the movies I've made. But in the background of my life I was also very involved in the creation of the sport.
Joel Silver
You can map your life through your favorite movies, and no two people's maps will be the same.
Mary Schmich
There are movies where we are interested in seeing people's lives without agreeing with what they're doing.
Natalie Portman
Even when I was a little kid, I always said I would be in the movies one day, and damned if I didn't make it.
Richard Pryor
American movies are often very good at mining those great underlying myths that make films robustly travel across class, age, gender, culture.
Tom Hooper
I like movies about longing and desperation, and dark and light things, stories about people struggling to raise children, and to have relationships and be intimate with each other.
Laura Dern
I have to say I regretted giving up animated movies.
Stanislav Grof
I do like strong women in my movies. I have five sisters, so I've just grown up with that model.
Robert Rodriguez
I like simple things. I like to sneak in the theatre and watch movies. I'm a movie buff.
Justin Timberlake
I don't make movies thinking: 'Oh, this is going to be a huge box-office hit.'
Diane Kruger
I've always been in the middle of making my own movies, so taking acting jobs that take me away from that has been impossible.
Albert Brooks