Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Nationality.
This organization is created to prevent you from going to hell. It isn't created to take you to heaven.
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
The trees in Siberia are miles apart, that is why the dogs are so fast. About Russia
Bob Hope
The only thing chicken about Israel is their soup.
Nations, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul.
Victor Hugo
In dealing with Englishmen you can be sure of one thing only, that the logical solution will not be adopted.
W. R. [William Ralph] Inge
It is a well-known fact that we always recognize our homeland when we are about to lose it.
Albert Camus
Pervading materialism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with an aggressiveness that spares no one. The most sacred principles, which were the sure guides for the behaviour of individuals and society, are being hollowed out by false pretences concerning freedom, the sacredness of life, the indissolubility of marriage, the true sense of human sexuality, the right attitude towards the material goods that progress has to offer. Many people now are tempted to self-indulgence and consumerism, and human identity is often defined by what one owns. Prosperity and affluence, even when they are only beginning to be available to larger strata of society, tend to make people assume that they have a right to all that prosperity can bring, and thus they can become more selfish in their demands. Everybody wants a full freedom in all the areas of human behaviour and new models of morality are being proposed in the name of would-be freedom. When the moral fibre of a nation is weakened, when the sense of personal responsibility is diminished, then the door is open for the justification of injustices, for violence in all its forms, and for the manipulation of the many by the few. The challenge that is already with us is the temptation to accept as true freedom what in reality is only a new form of slavery.
Pope John Paul II, Holy Mass in
Without country you have neither name, token, voice, nor rights, no admission as brothers into the fellowship of the Peoples. You are the bastards of Humanity. Soldiers without a banner, Israelites among the nations, you will find neither faith nor protection; none will be sureties for you. Do not beguile yourselves with the hope of emancipation from unjust social conditions if you do not first conquer a Country for yourselves.
Giuseppe Mazzini
A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory.
The best thing I know between France and England is the sea.
Douglas William Jerrold
Great nations write their autobiographies in three manuscripts -- the book of their deeds, the book of their words and the book of their art.
John Ruskin
The French complain of everything, and always.
Napoleon Bonaparte
If nations always moved from one set of furnished rooms to another -- and always into a better set -- things might be easier, but the trouble is that there is no one to prepare the new rooms. The future is worse than the ocean -- there is nothing there. It will be what men and circumstances make it.
Alexander Herzen
Nations, like men, have their infancy.
Henry Bolingbroke
There was never a nation that became great until it came to the knowledge that it had nowhere in the world to go for help.
Charles Dudley Warner
Of prosperity mortals can never have enough.
Without a country, I am not a man.
Nawaf AlNasir AlSabah
The English instinctively admire any man who has no talent, and is modest about it.
James Agate
Irish Americans are no more Irish than Black Americans are Africans.
Bob Geldof
France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country.
Mark Twain