Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Profanity.
A thing is not vulgar merely because it is common
William Nazlitt
'Twas but my tongue, 'twas not my soul that swore.
By vulgarity I mean that vice of civilization which makes man ashamed of himself and his next of kin, and pretend to be somebody else.
Solomon Schechter
A whoreson jackanapes must take me up for swearing; as if I borrowed mine oaths of him and might not spend them at my pleasure. When a gentleman is disposed to swear, it is not for any standers-by to curtail his oaths, ha?
William Shakespeare
It comes to pass oft that a terrible oath, with a swaggering accent sharply twanged off, gives manhood more approbation than ever proof itself would have earned him.
Vulgarity is the rich man's modest contribution to democracy.
Source Unknown
Take not God's name in vain; select a time when it will have effect.
Ambrose Bierce
It chills my blood to hear the blest Supreme rudely appealed to on each trifling theme.
William Cowper
Vulgarity is the garlic in the salad of taste.
Cyril Connolly
Since obscenity is the truth of our passion today, it is the only stuff of art -- or almost the only stuff.
D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence
profanity and obscenity entitle people who don't want unpleasant information to close their ears and eyes to you.
Kurt Vonnegut
There are no people who are quite so vulgar as the over-refined.
Mark Twain
To endeavor to work upon the vulgar with fine sense is like attempting to hew blocks with a razor.
Alexander Pope
Grant me some wild expressions, Heavens, or I shall burst.
George Farquhar
The urge to shout filthy words at the top of his voice was as strong as ever.
George Orwell
Ethelberta breathed a sort of exclamation, not right out, but stealthily, like a parson's damn.
Thomas Hardy