Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Reading.
Reading is not a duty, and has consequently no business to be made disagreeable.
Augustine Birrell
A conventional good read is usually a bad read, a relaxing bath in what we know already. A true good read is surely an act of innovative creation in which we, the readers, become conspirators.
Malcolm Bradbury
Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.
W. Fusselman
Books are the money of Literature, but only the counters of Science.
Thomas Henry Huxley
Books are the blessed chloroform of the mind.
Robert Chambers
This book is not to be tossed lightly aside, but to be hurled with great force.
Dorothy Parker
The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.
Abraham Lincoln
Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman, but believing what he read made him mad.
George Bernard Shaw
And I believe that reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone has so far found. By reading the writings of the most interesting minds in history, we meditate with our own minds and theirs as well. This to me is a miracle.
Kurt Vonnegut
The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.
Mark Twain
I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.
Jane Austen
He loved books; books are cold but safe friends.
Victor Hugo
People do not read stupidities with impunity.
Every reader should remember the diffidence of Socrates, and repair by his candour the injuries of time: he should impute the seeming defects of his author to some chasm of intelligence, and suppose that the sense which is now weak was once forcible
Samuel Johnson
Live always in the best company when you read.
Sydney Smith
No furniture is so charming as books.
A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage of flat, flexible parts (still called
Carl Sagan
Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. And then there are books like An Imperial Affliction, which you can't tell people about, books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like betrayal
John Green
I feel like I'm drowning. Every night, I'm carrying home loads of things to read but I'm too exhausted. I keep clipping things and Xeroxing them and planning to read them eventually, but I just end up throwing it all away and feeling guilty.
Ghita Levine
Human contacts have been so highly valued in the past only because reading was not a common accomplishment.... The world, you must remember, is only just becoming literate. As reading becomes more and more habitual and widespread, an ever-increasing number of people will discover that books will give them all the pleasures of social life and none of its intolerable tedium.
Aldous Huxley, Henry Wimbush, in