Browse through our collection of quotes tagged with Religion.
The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
How can cosmic religious feeling be communicated from one person to another, if it can give rise to no definite notion of a God and no theology? In my view, it is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it.
Albert Einstein
Christ did not die to save people, but to teach people how to save each other. This is, I have no doubt, a grave heresy, but it is also a fact.
Oscar Wilde
I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
It may be that until now there has been no more potent means for beautifying man himself than piety: it can turn man into so much art, surface, play of colors, graciousness that his sight no longer makes one suffer.---
Friedrich Nietzsche
The believer in magic and miracles reflects on how to impose a law on nature--: and, in brief, the religious cult is the outcome of this reflection.
Religious institutions that use government power in support of themselves and force their views on persons of other faiths, or of no faith, undermine all our civil rights. Moreover, state support of an established religion tends to make the clergy unresponsive to their own people, and leads to corruption within religion itself. Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society.
Thomas Jefferson
When India was explored and the wonderful riches of Indian theological literature found that dispelled once and for all the dream about Christianity being the sole revelation.
What the feminists want of me is something they haven't examined because it comes from religion. They want me to bear witness.
Doris Lessing
I took religion much too seriously, however, and its overall effect was depressing. I would have really liked to discard it, but somehow I couldn't.
Jack Dee
Sin is a gravitation.
Victor Hugo
Religion ends and philosophy begins, just as alchemy ends and chemistry begins and astrology ends, and astronomy begins.
Christopher Hitchens
We, ignorant of ourselves,Beg often our own harms, which the wise powersDeny us for our good; so find we profitBy losing of our prayers.
William Shakespeare
Religion makes them crazy. Not a woman I ever met wasn't crazy with religion.
Orson Scott Card
If you think of this world as a place intended simply for our happiness, you find it quite intolerable:think of it as a place for correction and it's not so bad. Imagine a set of people all living in the samebuilding. Half of them think it is a hotel, the other half think it is a prison. Those who think it a hotel might regard it as quite intolerable, and those who thought it was a prison might decide that it wasreally surprisingly comfortable. So that what seems the ugly doctrine is one that comforts and strengthens you in the end. The people who try to hold an optimistic view of this world would becomepessimists: the people who hold a pretty stern view of it become optimistic
C.S. Lewis
Each religion, so dear to those whose life it sanctifies, and fulfilling so necessary a function in the society that has adopted it, necessarily contradicts every other religion, and probably contradicts itself
George Santayana
Which of the religions of the world gives to its followers the greatest happiness? While it lasts, the religion of worshiping oneself is best
The turmoil and dislocations confronting present-day society will not be solved until both the scientific and religious genius of the human race are fully utilized.
Baha'i International Community
I have been feeling very much lately that cheerful insecurity is what our Lord asks of us.
Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth 'thrown in': aim at Earth and you will get neither.