Abba Eban Quotes

A collection of quotes by Abba Eban.

Abba Eban (1915-2002) was a renowned Israeli diplomat, politician, and scholar. He was born in South Africa and later immigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine in 1935. Eban played a vital role in Israel's fight for independence and subsequently became one of Israel's most prominent statesmen.

Eban's outstanding intellect and rhetorical skills propelled him to numerous achievements throughout his career. He was selected as the chief spokesman for the Jewish Agency in the United Nations, where he effectively advocated for the establishment of the State of Israel. As Israel's ambassador to the UN from 1949 to 1959, Eban skillfully navigated diplomatic challenges and earned respect for his eloquence and astute reasoning.

Known for his fluency in multiple languages, Eban became Israel's foreign minister in 1966 and held the position for a decade. During his tenure, he worked tirelessly to strengthen Israel's international relations and consolidate support for the country. Eban's negotiation skills were instrumental in shaping important agreements, including various armistice agreements with neighboring Arab states.

Beyond his political career, Eban made significant contributions as an author and scholar. He wrote numerous books, addressing topics such as Israel's history, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and broader international relations. Eban's writings exhibited his profound knowledge and understanding of the complexities surrounding Israel's place in the world.

Abba Eban is remembered as an indomitable advocate for Israel, recognized for his exceptional diplomacy skills, erudition, and eloquence. His contributions to Israeli diplomacy continue to impact the nation's foreign policy to this day.