Adam Smith Quotes

A collection of quotes by Adam Smith.

Adam Smith was a renowned Scottish economist and philosopher, regarded as the father of modern economics. He was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland in 1723. Smith's father passed away before he was born, and he was raised by his mother. He showed remarkable intellect from an early age and went on to attend the University of Glasgow at 14, and later the University of Oxford.

In 1751, Smith became a professor at the University of Glasgow, where he lectured on various subjects including rhetoric, ethics, and economics. It was during this time that he developed his ideas on economics, which would shape the foundation of his most famous work, "The Wealth of Nations".

Published in 1776, "The Wealth of Nations" emphasized the importance of free trade, division of labor, and the invisible hand theory, which suggested that individuals acting in their own self-interest could benefit society as a whole. Smith's book greatly influenced economic thought and established him as a leading figure in the field.

Apart from economics, Smith also wrote on topics such as philosophy and ethics. His other works include "The Theory of Moral Sentiments" and "Lectures on Jurisprudence".

Adam Smith passed away in 1790, leaving a significant impact on the understanding of economics and the principles of capitalism. His theories and ideas continue to shape economic thought and remain highly influential in modern times.