Adler Quotes

A collection of quotes by Adler.

Adler is a renowned figure in the field of psychology, known for his significant contributions to the development of psychoanalysis and individual psychology. Born on February 7, 1870, in Vienna, Austria, Alfred Adler embarked on a path that would shape the way psychologists understand human behavior.

Adler initially pursued a career in medicine but soon shifted his focus to psychology. He became a prominent student of Sigmund Freud and was an active member of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. However, philosophical differences led Adler to diverge from Freud's theories, sparking the formation of his own school of thought called individual psychology.

Adler's individual psychology proposed that individuals are primarily driven by their desire for a sense of belonging and significance within society. He emphasized the importance of social factors, such as birth order, family dynamics, and culture, in shaping one's personality and behavior. Adler also introduced the concept of inferiority complex, suggesting that feelings of inferiority motivate individuals to strive for superiority and success.

Throughout his career, Adler's groundbreaking theories influenced various fields beyond psychology, including education, therapy, and organizational development. He delivered numerous lectures, published extensively, and founded child guidance clinics, aiming to promote mental health and the well-being of individuals. Adler's lasting impact on the field of psychology continues to be recognized and celebrated to this day.