Andre Breton, Manifesto of Surre Quotes

A collection of quotes by Andre Breton, Manifesto of Surre.

André Breton (1896-1966) was a French writer and poet, best known as the leading figure of the Surrealist movement. Born in Tinchebray, France, he studied medicine and psychiatry, which greatly influenced his writing and artistic endeavors. Breton was deeply interested in the exploration of the unconscious mind, dreams, and the irrational aspects of human existence.

In 1924, he published the groundbreaking Manifesto of Surrealism, where he defined surrealism as a revolutionary movement that sought to unleash the creative potential of the unconscious through various forms of expression, such as literature, visual arts, and cinema. Breton believed that true artistic creation should be spontaneous, irrational, and unrestricted by societal norms.

As the founder of Surrealism, Breton organized several exhibitions and events to promote the movement and its principles. He actively collaborated with various artists, including Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, and Max Ernst, cultivating surrealism as a multi-disciplinary approach that extended beyond literature.

Throughout his life, Breton wrote numerous poems, essays, and novels, in which he explored his fascination with the fantastic, mysterious, and illogical. His literary contributions and theoretical writings earned him recognition as one of the most important figures in 20th-century literature, shaping the course of modern art and inspiring generations of artists worldwide.

Andre Breton's influence extended beyond the realm of art, as he fervently opposed the rise of fascism and advocated for political and social change. He remained an active figure in the surrealist movement until his death in Paris in 1966.