Andreas Capellanus Quotes

A collection of quotes by Andreas Capellanus.

Andreas Capellanus, also known as Andreas the Chaplain, was a medieval writer and theologian believed to have lived in the twelfth century. Little is known about his personal life, and details regarding his birth, upbringing, and death remain elusive.

However, Andreas Capellanus is best known for his notable work titled "De Amore" or "The Art of Courtly Love." Written in Latin, this treatise provides a comprehensive guide on courtly love, a popular concept in medieval European literature and culture. The book explores the rules, rituals, and ideals associated with courtly love, addressing topics such as the psychology of love, the roles of lovers, and strategies for obtaining love.

Though the true identity of Andreas Capellanus has been the subject of speculation, scholars generally believe he was associated with the court of Marie of Champagne, daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine and one of the most influential women in the twelfth century. It is believed that Capellanus wrote his treatise at Marie's request and dedicated it to her.

Andreas Capellanus' work "De Amore" had a significant impact on medieval literature and courtly love tradition, influencing subsequent writers and shaping the ideals of romantic love for centuries to come.