Antisthenes Quotes

A collection of quotes by Antisthenes.

Antisthenes was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in Athens during the 5th and 4th centuries BCE. He was a prominent figure in the philosophical school of Cynicism, which focused on living a simple and virtuous life free from material possessions and societal conventions.

Born in Athens, Antisthenes initially studied under the famous philosopher Gorgias. However, he later became a devoted disciple of Socrates and emerged as one of his most influential followers. Antisthenes embraced Socratic philosophy and emphasized the importance of living according to reason and virtue.

Antisthenes developed his own philosophical system based on self-discipline, self-control, and the rejection of worldly pleasures. He advocated for a minimalist lifestyle and believed that true happiness could only be achieved by letting go of desires and attachments. His teachings emphasized the pursuit of virtue and the cultivation of self-sufficiency.

Despite Antisthenes' critical and confrontational style, he attracted a significant following and became revered as a profound thinker and teacher. His philosophy deeply influenced several notable philosophers, including Diogenes of Sinope, who became one of his most famous followers.

While Antisthenes' written works did not survive over the centuries, his ideas were preserved through the writings of his disciples and other philosophers. His contributions to Cynicism and his commitment to a life of simplicity and moral integrity continue to inspire philosophical thought to this day.