Artemus Ward Quotes

A collection of quotes by Artemus Ward.

Artemus Ward (1834-1867) was the pen name of Charles Farrar Browne, an American humorist, writer, and newspaper editor. He was born on April 26, 1834, in Waterford, Maine. Ward began his career as a printer's apprentice and later became an editor for various newspapers in Maine and Ohio.

In the 1850s, Ward developed a unique style of humorous writing, famous for its satire and wit. He often wrote in a folksy, exaggerated dialect, creating funny and fictional characters. Ward gained widespread recognition for his humorous sketches and essays, which were published in newspapers and magazines across the country.

His most notable work was "Artemus Ward: His Book," published in 1862, which consolidated many of his humorous writings into a single volume. Ward's writing appealed to a wide audience and made him one of the most popular humorists of his time.

Ward also had a successful career as a lecturer, delivering humorous and entertaining speeches across the United States. His performances were well-received, drawing large crowds and earning him a considerable income.

Unfortunately, Ward's life was cut short when he died at the age of 33, on March 6, 1867, in Southampton, England, while on a lecture tour in Europe. Despite his relatively short life, Ward's humorous writings and lectures made a lasting impact, and he is remembered as a pioneer in American comedy and satire.