Artur Davis Quotes

A collection of quotes by Artur Davis.

Artur Davis is an American attorney, politician, and former member of the United States House of Representatives. He was born on October 9, 1967, in Montgomery, Alabama. Davis attended Harvard Law School, where he earned his Juris Doctor degree. He then embarked on a career as an attorney, specializing in voting rights and discrimination cases.

In 2002, Davis entered the political arena, successfully running for the United States House of Representatives representing Alabama's 7th congressional district. As a Democrat, he became the first African American elected to Congress from Alabama in over a century. Davis served in the House from 2003 to 2011.

During his time in Congress, Davis was known for his moderate stance on certain issues, including social security reform and education. He garnered attention for being one of the few Democrats who voted against the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

In 2010, Artur Davis made an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic nomination for Governor of Alabama. Following his defeat, he switched his party affiliation to the Republican Party in 2012 and began working as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C.

Since then, Davis has made sporadic forays into politics, working on various political campaigns and occasionally appearing as a political commentator on news programs. Although his role in the political arena has diminished in recent years, Artur Davis remains a noteworthy figure in American politics.