Basil O'Connor Quotes

A collection of quotes by Basil O'Connor.

Basil O'Connor (1892-1972) was an American lawyer and humanitarian who played a significant role in the field of public health and fundraising. Born in Taunton, Massachusetts, O'Connor initially pursued a career in law, earning his law degree from Harvard University in 1916. He joined a prestigious law firm in New York City but soon shifted his focus towards social work.

During his early years as an attorney, O'Connor became involved with the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, an organization established to combat the polio epidemic. O'Connor's dedication to the cause was driven by personal experiences with polio in his family. He became a close associate of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who himself had been affected by the disease. Together, they founded the March of Dimes in 1938, a campaign aimed at raising funds for polio research and providing medical aid to those affected.

As president of the March of Dimes, O'Connor pioneered innovative fundraising methods that involved millions of Americans, such as the use of donation envelopes and the distribution of dime cards. His efforts and the generosity of the American public contributed significantly to the development of the polio vaccine, ultimately leading to its successful development by Dr. Jonas Salk in 1955.

Aside from his work with the March of Dimes, Basil O'Connor was also involved in various other philanthropic endeavors throughout his career. He served as a founding member of the United Nations Association and worked to support the rights of individuals with disabilities.

Basil O'Connor's tireless efforts to combat polio and improve public health not only saved countless lives but also revolutionized the field of medical fundraising. His legacy continues to inspire future generations of humanitarians and advocates for global health.