Beatrice Wood Quotes

A collection of quotes by Beatrice Wood.

Beatrice Wood, best known as "The Mama of Dada," was an American artist and ceramicist. She was born on March 3, 1893, in San Francisco, California, and passed away on March 12, 1998, in Ojai, California, at the impressive age of 105.

Wood's artistic journey began in the early 1900s when she discovered her passion for the arts. She studied painting in Paris and was a part of the vibrant Dada movement in New York City during the 1910s. Wood's work was heavily influenced by this avant-garde movement, which aimed to challenge traditional art conventions and embrace the absurd and unconventional.

In addition to painting, Wood became renowned for her unique ceramic creations. She experimented with various techniques and pushed boundaries in her art practice. Her vibrant and whimsical pieces often featured intricate head vases and humorous figurines.

Aside from her artistic pursuits, Wood is also remembered for her incredible lifespan, remarkable energy, and vivacious personality. Despite facing personal challenges and tragedies, including the loss of her loved ones, she maintained a positive outlook on life. Wood's resilience and zest for living inspired countless people.

Today, Beatrice Wood's legacy lives on through her art and the impact she made in the world of Dada. Her work continues to be celebrated and exhibited in galleries and museums globally, reminding us of her trailblazing spirit and unyielding dedication to art.