Becky Sharp Quotes

A collection of quotes by Becky Sharp.

Becky Sharp is a fictional character created by English author William Makepeace Thackeray, known for her cunning nature and social climbing abilities. She is the protagonist of Thackeray's novel "Vanity Fair," first published in 1847-1848.

Becky Sharp, a lower-class girl born into poverty, possesses a remarkable wit and intellect. Determined to rise above her humble origins, she uses her beauty and charm to navigate the intricate web of 19th-century English society. Becky is adept at manipulating others and using them to her advantage.

Throughout the novel, Becky's ambition drives her to great lengths, leading her to form advantageous relationships, often at the expense of those around her. She quickly adapts to different environments and demonstrates her resourcefulness and ability to survive in a world obsessed with status and wealth.

However, Becky's ambition also leads her to make morally questionable choices, causing her to create enemies along the way. Despite her cunning and unscrupulous behavior, Becky remains a captivating character, showcasing the complexities of human nature and the allure of social ambition.

Becky Sharp has become an emblematic figure in literature, representing the timeless themes of ambition, social mobility, and the impact of class on society. Her character continues to fascinate readers and serves as a reminder of the enduring relevance of Thackeray's work.