C. D. Broad Quotes

A collection of quotes by C. D. Broad.

C.D. Broad, born Charles Dunstan Broad on December 30, 1887, was a renowned British philosopher. He is best known for his contributions to the fields of metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and ethics. Broad expanded upon the ideas of his predecessors, developing a unique philosophical framework that left a lasting impact on the discipline.

Broad began his academic journey at Cambridge University, where he studied mathematics and philosophy. After completing his studies, he joined the university faculty and eventually became a prominent figure in the Cambridge philosophical community. Broad's work explored a wide range of philosophical topics, including skepticism, perception, and causality.

Throughout his career, Broad sought to bridge the gap between analytic and speculative philosophy, believing that both perspectives had valuable insights to offer. His philosophical approach was characterized by a commitment to careful analysis and logical reflection, combined with a willingness to consider metaphysical and speculative ideas.

Broad's publications, such as "Perception, Physics, and Reality" (1914), "Scientific Thought" (1923), and "Five Types of Ethical Theory" (1930), showcased his innovative thinking and brought him international recognition. He engaged in numerous debates with philosophers from different schools of thought, further enriching the philosophical discourse of his time.

C.D. Broad's intellectual pursuits made him one of the leading figures in 20th-century philosophy. He passed away on March 11, 1971, leaving behind a substantial body of work that continues to shape philosophical conversations to this day.