Caesar Augustus Quotes

A collection of quotes by Caesar Augustus.

Caesar Augustus, born as Gaius Octavius, was a Roman statesman and military leader who became the first Emperor of the Roman Empire. He was born on September 23, 63 BCE, in Rome, Italy. Augustus was the grandnephew of Julius Caesar, the renowned Roman general and statesman.

Following the assassination of his great-uncle, Octavius rose to power during a time of political turmoil and civil war in Rome. He formed an alliance with Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus, known as the Second Triumvirate, to defeat their enemies and establish control over Rome.

After their victory, Octavius emerged as the dominant figure and systematically consolidated his power. He skillfully navigated the complex Roman political landscape, gradually transforming the republic into an autocratic government. In 27 BCE, the Roman Senate awarded Octavius the title of "Augustus," meaning "revered" or "majestic," officially inaugurating his reign as the first Emperor of Rome.

Augustus implemented significant political and social reforms during his long rule, which lasted until his death in 14 CE. He reorganized the military, expanded the Roman territories, and embarked on extensive building projects, leaving a lasting impact on the empire's infrastructure. His reign marked the beginning of the Pax Romana, a period of relative peace and stability within the Roman Empire.

Augustus's legacy as a skillful ruler and shrewd politician solidified the foundations of the Roman Empire, establishing a model of governance that would shape European politics for centuries to come.