Cass Canfield Quotes

A collection of quotes by Cass Canfield.

Cass Canfield (1897-1986) was an influential American publisher and literary agent, known for his significant contributions to the publishing industry. Born on April 26, 1897, in Wilmington, Delaware, Canfield attended Yale University where he developed a keen interest in literature and publishing.

In 1923, Canfield began his career in the publishing industry as an editor at Harper & Brothers, eventually becoming the company's president in 1945. During his tenure, he played a crucial role in promoting and publishing a wide range of iconic authors and distinguished works, including the writings of renowned figures like Ernest Hemingway and J.D. Salinger.

After leaving Harper & Brothers in 1961, Canfield founded his own literary agency, Cass Canfield Associates, where he continued to represent and discover talented authors. He played a pivotal role in shaping the careers of several prominent writers, such as Ray Bradbury, E.B. White, and John Steinbeck.

Canfield's contribution to the publishing industry extended beyond his personal achievements. He held prominent positions in various literary and publishing organizations, including serving as the president of the American Publishers Association.

Cass Canfield's influence and dedication to fostering literary talent earned him a reputation as one of the industry's most respected and acclaimed figures. He passed away on March 27, 1986, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the world of publishing.