Catullus Quotes

A collection of quotes by Catullus.

Gaius Valerius Catullus, or simply Catullus, was a prominent Roman poet during the late Roman Republic period. Born in Verona, Italy, around 84 BC, not much is known about his early life or family. Catullus was considered one of the greatest lyric poets of his time, and his works greatly influenced the genre.

Catullus is known for his collection of poems, titled Carmina, which consists of several different types of poetry, including passionate love poems, witty epigrams, and heartfelt elegies. His poetry often delved into his personal emotions, relationships, and experiences, providing a glimpse into his intellectual and emotional world.

Catullus was part of a literary movement known as the neoteric poets, who sought to break away from the traditional Roman style of poetry and instead focused on personal expression. His writing style was characterized by its intense emotion, raw honesty, and vivid imagery.

Despite his talent and recognition within literary circles, Catullus faced criticism and controversy for his explicit and provocative language. He had a tumultuous relationship with a woman named Lesbia, believed to be Clodia Metelli, which he often wrote about in his poems.

Catullus's work has had a lasting impact, influencing countless poets throughout history. Although he died young, around 54 BC, his poetic legacy continues to resonate with readers, securing his place as one of the greatest Roman poets.