Charlemagne Quotes

A collection of quotes by Charlemagne.

Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was born in 742 in what is now Belgium. He became the King of the Franks in 768, and through his vast military campaigns and skilled leadership, he expanded his empire to encompass much of Western Europe. Charlemagne's reign marked the revival of the Carolingian Empire, a period often referred to as the Carolingian Renaissance.

Renowned for his ambition to unite the various Germanic and Christian tribes, Charlemagne tirelessly campaigned against neighboring territories and sought to enforce Christianity throughout his empire. He engaged in military campaigns against the Lombards in Italy and the Saxons in modern-day Germany, with the latter proving particularly challenging.

Charlemagne is famed for his intellectual pursuits as well. Recognizing the importance of education and learning, he established schools and appointed scholars to his court, contributing to a revival of knowledge and culture. He himself took an interest in history, languages, and the arts. Charlemagne's intellectual patronage helped lay the foundations for the preservation and transmission of ancient texts.

On December 25, 800, Charlemagne was crowned the Emperor of the Carolingian Empire by Pope Leo III in Rome. This event symbolized the revival of the Western Roman Empire and marked Charlemagne as the sole ruler of Western Europe. Charlemagne's political and military achievements, coupled with his dedication to education and culture, have solidified his place in history as one of the most influential figures of the medieval period. He passed away on January 28, 814, leaving behind a lasting legacy and an empire that ultimately contributed to the shaping of Europe.