Corliss Lamont Quotes

A collection of quotes by Corliss Lamont.

Corliss Lamont (1902-1995) was an American philosopher, author, and civil libertarian. Known for his progressive beliefs and activism, Lamont tirelessly worked to promote human rights and civil liberties throughout his life.

Born in Englewood, New Jersey, Lamont came from a prominent and intellectually inclined family. He graduated from Phillips Exeter Academy and went on to attend Harvard University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in philosophy and a doctorate in philosophy and psychology. Lamont later became a lecturer in philosophy at Columbia University.

Lamont's writings covered a wide range of topics, including philosophy, ethics, and politics. He was a staunch advocate for civil liberties, civil rights, and democracy. In his book "The Philosophy of Humanism," published in 1949, Lamont outlined his belief in the foundational value of human dignity and the importance of reason, tolerance, and social justice.

Throughout his career, Lamont did not shy away from controversial issues. He publicly defended individuals targeted during the McCarthy era and was an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War. Lamont co-founded organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and served as its director for many years.

Corliss Lamont's contributions to the promotion of human rights and civil liberties made him an influential figure in American intellectual and political history. His support for progressive causes and his dedication to individual freedom continue to inspire activists and thinkers today.