David Leigh Eddings Quotes

A collection of quotes by David Leigh Eddings.

David Leigh Eddings (1931–2009) was an American author known for his work in the fantasy genre. Born on July 7, 1931, in Spokane, Washington, Eddings grew up with a love for literature and storytelling. He initially pursued a career in petroleum exploration, working for several years before turning his attention to writing.

Eddings gained recognition with his first published series, "The Belgariad," which consisted of five books released between 1982 and 1984. This epic fantasy saga received praise for its engaging narrative and well-defined characters. It followed the journey of a young farm boy named Garion, who discovers his destiny in a world of magic and gods.

Eddings went on to pen several more successful series, including "The Malloreon," a continuation of "The Belgariad." His other notable works include "The Elenium" and "The Tamuli" trilogies. Eddings often co-authored his books with his wife, Leigh Eddings, who served as an uncredited contributor to his works.

Known for his skill in world-building and character development, David Eddings captured the hearts of numerous fantasy enthusiasts. His novels were loved for their rich mythology, well-realized settings, and memorable heroes and heroines. With a career spanning over three decades, Eddings became a revered figure in the fantasy genre and left a lasting impact on readers worldwide.

David Leigh Eddings passed away on June 2, 2009, at the age of 77, leaving behind a legacy of beloved fantasy literature. His works continue to be celebrated and cherished by fans, ensuring his place among the influential authors of the genre.