Donella Meadows Quotes

A collection of quotes by Donella Meadows.

Donella Meadows was an American scientist, educator, and writer who is best known for her influential work on systems thinking and sustainability. She was born on March 13, 1941, in Elgin, Illinois, and grew up with a passion for nature and the environment.

Meadows completed her undergraduate studies at Carleton College and went on to earn a Ph.D. in biophysics from Harvard University. She then joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a systems analyst and researcher in the late 1960s.

Meadows co-authored the groundbreaking book "The Limits to Growth" in 1972, which explored the complex interdependencies between society, environment, and global resources. This publication gained significant attention and became a bestseller, generating discussion and debate about the implications of human actions on the planet.

Throughout her career, Meadows focused on educating others about the importance of systems thinking and sustainability. She co-founded the Balaton Group, an international network of scholars and practitioners dedicated to fostering sustainability. Meadows also taught at several institutions, including Dartmouth College.

Donella Meadows passed away on February 20, 2001, but her work continues to inspire researchers, policymakers, and activists around the world. Her contributions to understanding the dynamics of complex systems and promoting a sustainable future have left a lasting impact on the field of environmental studies.