E. Franklin Frazier Quotes

A collection of quotes by E. Franklin Frazier.

E. Franklin Frazier was a prominent African-American sociologist and writer, known for his groundbreaking work on race, social inequality, and the African-American experience. Born on September 24, 1894, in Baltimore, Maryland, Frazier grew up in a racially segregated society that deeply affected his worldview and academic pursuits.

He earned his bachelor's degree from Howard University in 1916 and went on to receive his master's degree from Clark University in 1920. Frazier then pursued his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago, where he became influenced by renowned sociologists Robert E. Park and Ernest Burgess.

Frazier became renowned for his critical examination of the African-American community, focusing on the impact of slavery, racial discrimination, and social structures on black individuals and families. His seminal work, "The Negro Family in the United States" published in 1939, challenged prevailing ideas about the African-American family structure and offered a nuanced understanding of the impact of oppression on family dynamics.

Throughout his career, Frazier held numerous academic positions, including serving as the head of the department of sociology at Howard University. He was a prominent voice in the civil rights movement, advocating for equal rights and striving to dismantle racial prejudice in all its forms. E. Franklin Frazier's work remains influential to this day, shaping academic discourse on race and social justice. He passed away on May 17, 1962, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the field of sociology.