E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) White, Charl Quotes

A collection of quotes by E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) White, Charl.

E.B. (Elwyn Brooks) White was an acclaimed American writer, known for his contributions to both children's literature and literary journalism. He was born on July 11, 1899, in Mount Vernon, New York. White attended Cornell University and graduated in 1921. Following his graduation, he started his career as a journalist for various newspapers and magazines, including The New Yorker.

White's talent as a writer was evident in his ability to capture the essence of rural life, particularly through his vivid descriptions and humorous storytelling. His most notable works include "Stuart Little" (1945), a beloved children's book about a mouse living with a human family, and "Charlotte's Web" (1952), a heartwarming tale of friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a clever spider named Charlotte.

Apart from his children's books, White also made significant contributions to the field of literary journalism, with his thought-provoking essays and articles. In 1978, he was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize Special Citation for his distinguished and ever-eloquent literary contributions.

E.B. White passed away on October 1, 1985, leaving behind a remarkable legacy as one of America's most cherished writers. His works continue to inspire readers of all ages with their timeless themes of friendship, kindness, and the wonders of the natural world.