Edward Young, Night Thoughts. (i Quotes

A collection of quotes by Edward Young, Night Thoughts. (i.

Edward Young was a British poet and playwright, born on July 3, 1683, in Upham, Hampshire, England. He was the son of a clergyman and received his early education at Winchester College. He later attended New College, Oxford, where he studied for a career in the Church.

Despite his initial plans, Young decided to pursue a career in writing and literature. In 1713, he published his first major work titled "An Epistle to Lord Lansdowne," which gained him some recognition. He went on to write numerous plays, including "The Revenge" (1721) and "Busiris" (1719), cementing his reputation as a successful playwright.

However, Young is most well-known for his long poem, "Night Thoughts." Divided into nine parts or "Nights," this masterpiece revolves around the themes of mortality, the certainty of death, and the vanity of human pursuits. First published in 1742, "Night Thoughts" became immensely popular and went through multiple editions, making Young one of the prominent literary figures of his time.

Young's writing style was characterized by his use of blank verse and his ability to convey deep and profound reflections on life and death. His works often explored themes of religious faith and virtue, and he was known for his moral seriousness.

Edward Young died on April 5, 1765, in Welwyn, Hertfordshire, leaving behind a legacy as one of the influential poets of the 18th century.