Emily Murphy Quotes

A collection of quotes by Emily Murphy.

Emily Murphy (1868-1933) was a prominent Canadian women's rights activist, author, and public servant. She is best known as one of the Famous Five – a group of women who successfully advocated for women's legal rights and challenged sexist laws in Canada during the early 20th century.

Born Emily Gowan Ferguson in Ontario, Canada, Murphy grew up in a progressive household that fostered her passion for social justice. In 1916, she moved to Alberta, where she became the first female magistrate in the British Empire. This landmark appointment made her acutely aware of the systemic discrimination faced by women in Canada.

Driven by her commitment to gender equality, Murphy played a pivotal role in the Persons Case, which sought to legally establish women as "persons" under the British North America Act of 1867, thus granting them the right to be appointed to the Senate. As a member of the Famous Five, she tirelessly fought this case in various courts until it reached the Judicial Committee of the British Privy Council, which ruled in favor of women being considered persons in 1929.

Besides her activism, Emily Murphy was a prolific writer who used her talents to shed light on social issues. She authored several books, including "Janey Canuck in the West" and "The Black Candle," which discussed the dangers of drug use. Her writings played a vital role in shaping public opinion and promoting social reform.

Emily Murphy's relentless efforts and unwavering determination significantly contributed to advancing women's rights in Canada. Her legacy continues to inspire generations of activists, and her contribution remains invaluable in the country's history.