Emma Lazarus, Excerpted from a p Quotes

A collection of quotes by Emma Lazarus, Excerpted from a p.

Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) was an American poet, essayist, and activist who is best known for her sonnet "The New Colossus." Born in New York City into a prominent Jewish family, she grew up in a cultured and intellectual environment. Lazarus began writing poetry at a young age and published her first book, "Poems and Translations," when she was only 17 years old.

Lazarus became increasingly engaged in social and political causes, advocating for Jewish refugees fleeing persecution in Eastern Europe and championing the rights of immigrants. Her strong belief in the principles of justice and equality is evident in "The New Colossus," which she wrote in 1883 and donated to an auction to raise funds for the construction of the Statue of Liberty's pedestal. These famous lines, including "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," have since become synonymous with the Statue of Liberty and its welcoming message to immigrants.

Although Emma Lazarus passed away at the young age of 38, her legacy lives on through her poetry and her important work for social justice. Her writings continue to inspire generations and remind society of the importance of compassion, equality, and inclusivity.