Finis Mitchell Quotes

A collection of quotes by Finis Mitchell.

Finis Mitchell (1901-1999) was an American outdoorsman, environmentalist, and author who dedicated his life to exploring and preserving the natural wonders of the American West. Born in Soda Springs, Idaho, Mitchell developed a love for the outdoors at a young age. He began working as a park ranger in Yellowstone National Park in the 1920s, where he honed his skills as a mountaineer and naturalist.

Mitchell's passion for adventure and exploration led him to become the first person to reach the summit of many peaks in the Wind River Range of Wyoming. Additionally, he was instrumental in promoting outdoor recreation and conservation efforts in the region. Mitchell's extensive knowledge of the area's landscapes and wildlife made him a trusted guide and source of information for numerous mountaineers and enthusiasts.

In 1931, Mitchell constructed his famous wind-powered weather station atop Gannett Peak, Wyoming's highest peak. This unique achievement earned him international recognition and provided valuable meteorological data for decades. He later wrote a book called "Wind on the Rocks," documenting his experiences and the challenges of his operation.

Beyond his climbing exploits, Mitchell also contributed to the protection of Wyoming's wilderness through his involvement in organizations such as the Wilderness Society and the Sierra Club. He actively fought against industrial development and advocated for the preservation of untouched wilderness areas.

Throughout his life, Finis Mitchell inspired others with his passion for the outdoors and unwavering commitment to environmental conservation. His dedication to exploring and preserving the natural world left a lasting impact on Wyoming's wilderness and the larger conservation movement.