Gen. George Pickett, Gettysburg, Quotes

A collection of quotes by Gen. George Pickett, Gettysburg,.

General George Pickett was a prominent Confederate military officer during the American Civil War. Born on January 28, 1825, in Richmond, Virginia, he graduated from West Point in 1846 and served in the Mexican-American War. Pickett distinguished himself as a skilled and brave soldier, earning several promotions before resigning from the U.S. Army in 1861 to join the Confederacy.

Pickett is most remembered for his role in the pivotal Battle of Gettysburg in July 1863. Leading a division of troops, he was chosen by Confederate General Robert E. Lee to execute a bold assault on the Union center known as Pickett's Charge on the third day of the battle. Sadly, this attack proved devastatingly unsuccessful, and Pickett's division suffered heavy casualties.

Following the defeat at Gettysburg, Pickett continued to serve in the Confederate Army, although his reputation and career had been irreparably damaged. He participated in various military campaigns, including the Siege of Petersburg, but never regained his previous level of prominence. After the war, he struggled financially and briefly worked as an insurance agent.

George Pickett passed away at the age of 50 on July 30, 1875. Despite his involvement in the ill-fated Pickett's Charge, he remains a notable figure in American history and a symbol of Confederate valor during the Civil War.