Gertrude Jekyll Quotes

A collection of quotes by Gertrude Jekyll.

Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932) was an influential British horticulturist, garden designer, and writer. She was born in London and developed a deep passion for gardening from an early age. Jekyll's interest in plants led her to study botany, chemistry, and arts. Her Victorian upbringing greatly influenced her design style, which emphasized picturesque views, color coordination, and harmonious plant compositions.

From the late 19th to early 20th century, Jekyll transformed the field of garden design. She believed in the concept of "garden rooms" and created numerous stunning gardens that seamlessly blended architecture and nature. Jekyll's designs often incorporated a range of plants, from herbaceous perennials to shrubs and climbers, creating diverse and vibrant landscapes.

Beyond her design work, Jekyll's influence extended through her writings. She authored numerous books and articles, sharing her knowledge and ideas on gardening practices. Her most famous book, "Wood and Garden" (1899), emphasized the importance of carefully selecting and arranging plants to create visually appealing and functional gardens.

Gertrude Jekyll's legacy in garden design remains significant to this day. Her belief in the connection between gardens and well-being, her emphasis on color and form coordination, and her design principles continue to inspire gardeners and landscape architects across the world. Jekyll's creations and writings continue to be cherished, demonstrating her timeless contribution to the field of horticulture.