Henry George Quotes

A collection of quotes by Henry George.

Henry George (1839-1897) was an American economist, journalist, and social reformer known for his influential political-economic philosophy, which centered around the ideas of land reform and the redistribution of wealth. Born in Philadelphia, he grew up in a modest household and left school at an early age to work various jobs.

George's breakthrough came with the publication of his best-known work, "Progress and Poverty" (1879). In this book, he argued that the unequal distribution of land and the unearned profits derived from it were the root causes of poverty and social inequality. George proposed a land value tax, known as the "single tax," as a solution to address these issues. He believed that by taxing land values and eliminating other taxes, society could ensure a fair and just distribution of wealth, while also stimulating economic growth.

George's ideas gained significant attention and he became a prominent figure in the late 19th-century political landscape. He campaigned for his land reform agenda, making speeches and writing extensively on the topic. His ideas influenced a diverse range of individuals, from activists to intellectuals, and he played an instrumental role in popularizing the concept of economic justice.

Despite his influence, George's land reform proposals were met with resistance from established political and economic interests. Nevertheless, his work continues to inspire debates on economic inequality and social justice to this day. Henry George's legacy lives on as one of the leading advocates for land and wealth reform in the history of economic thought.