Henry M. Robert Quotes

A collection of quotes by Henry M. Robert.

Henry M. Robert was an American military engineer and authority on parliamentary procedure, born on May 2, 1837, in Robertville, South Carolina. He graduated from West Point in 1857 and served as an engineer in the U.S. Army until his retirement in 1901. However, Robert's fame primarily stems from his work as the author of "Robert's Rules of Order," a widely recognized manual on meeting procedures.

Robert's interest in parliamentary procedure was sparked during the Civil War when he found himself presiding over public meetings without prior knowledge of handling such responsibilities. Determined to create a system that allowed for fair and efficient decision-making, he meticulously studied the rules and strategies used in legislative bodies and combined them with his engineering background to develop a comprehensive guide.

First published in 1876 as "Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies," the book underwent several updates, growing in both size and scope. Today, Robert's Rules of Order is an authoritative reference for parliamentary procedure in numerous organizations, from small community groups to government bodies and corporate boardrooms.

Henry M. Robert demonstrated how an individual's unexpected circumstances could lead to significant contributions. His dedication to developing clear and logical meeting protocols has empowered countless individuals and groups to conduct their meetings fairly and effectively. Furthermore, his work has been instrumental in maintaining order and ensuring proper decision-making processes within a democratic framework. Henry M. Robert passed away on May 11, 1923, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the realm of parliamentary procedure.