Henry Petroski Quotes

A collection of quotes by Henry Petroski.

Henry Petroski is an American engineer, author, and historian known for his significant contributions in the field of engineering and technology. Born on February 6, 1942, in New York City, he grew up with a passion for understanding the role of engineering in shaping our everyday lives. Petroski completed his undergraduate studies in civil engineering at Manhattan College and went on to earn his master's and doctorate degrees in theoretical and applied mechanics from the University of Illinois.

Throughout his career, Petroski has explored and written extensively on various aspects of engineering, with a particular focus on failure analysis and the importance of engineering design. His books, including "To Engineer is Human," "The Pencil," and "The Evolution of Useful Things," have gained widespread acclaim for blending technical knowledge with engaging narratives, making complex engineering concepts accessible to a broad audience.

Petroski is a well-respected professor of civil engineering and history at Duke University, where he has taught since 1980. He has received numerous prestigious awards for his work, including the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Medal and the ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Ralph Coats Roe Award for contributions to the public understanding of engineering. Petroski's research and writing continue to shed light on the fascinating intersection of engineering, history, and society, inspiring both engineers and the general public to appreciate the impact of modern technology on our daily lives.