Hermann Goering Quotes

A collection of quotes by Hermann Goering.

Hermann Goering (1893-1946) was a prominent figure in Nazi Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. Born in Rosenheim, Bavaria, he came from a wealthy family with a military background. Goering served as a fighter pilot during World War I, achieving recognition and receiving the esteemed Pour le Mérite medal.

Following the war, Goering joined the fledgling Nazi Party, becoming one of Adolf Hitler's closest associates and a key figure within the party's leadership. He played a significant role in establishing the Gestapo, the secret police force, and the Luftwaffe, the German air force. Goering's involvement in these organizations further consolidated his power and influence.

During World War II, Goering served as Hitler's deputy and was appointed as Reichsmarschall, the highest military rank in Nazi Germany. He oversaw the German economy and was instrumental in implementing policies supporting the war effort, including the exploitation of occupied territories and the persecution of Jews.

As the war turned against Germany, Goering's influence waned, and he fell out of favor with Hitler. After the war, he was captured, tried, and found guilty of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit crimes. Hermann Goering was sentenced to death, but he committed suicide by ingesting cyanide just hours before his execution was due to take place at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.